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Captain Morgan Original Spiced Gold 1 Litre

Captain Morgan Original Spiced Gold is expertly aged in charred white oak barrels, it brings together rich notes of vanilla, brown sugar, dried fruit, and warming spices, balanced with subtle hints of oak. This perfectly balanced spirit boasts a colour as rich as gold doubloons and a taste that's smooth to the finish. Made to mix beautifully with cola, Original Spiced Gold is the ideal choice for those seeking a refreshing, adventurous twist.

Captain Morgan Original Spiced Gold 375ml

Smooth and medium bodied spiced rum is a secret blend of Caribbean rums, mellow spice and rich natural vanilla flavours which create a perfectly balanced spirit with a smooth finish. It is also designed to mix perfectly with cola.

Diplomático Mantuano Ron Extra Añejo 700ml

Bursting with indulgent notes, this complex and versatile rum is perfect for mixing in flavourful long drinks or twists on classic cocktails. A complex and versatile blend of authentic rums. Its refined taste is inspired by the 'Mantuanos', Venezuelan nobleman in the 19th century renowned for their discernment and good taste. Diplomático Mantuano is the ideal choice for rum-lovers who want to elevate their drinks in everyday occasions.

Diplomático Reserva Exclusiva 700ml

One of the world's favourite premium sipping rums. It boasts a signature smoothness and an outstanding balance, making it a multi-award-winning rum. A refined and elegant blend of exclusive rum reserves masterfully crafted. It boasts aromas of orange peel, toffee and liquorice, giving this refined rum a signature smooth taste. Marrying a unique body with excellent balance, this rum is a true reference for fine spirits lovers throughout the world.

Havana Club 7YO Añejo 700ml

Havana Club 7yo is a full-flavoured, rich and sophisticated Cuban rum with a high degree of elegance and class. A deservedly popular rum.

Havana Club Añejo Especial 700ml

Intense and round rum with a persistent finish integrating all the flavours of the ageing process in oak barrels.

Helmsman Spiced Rum 700ml

A smooth, well-rounded drop with overtones of rich vanilla and soft spices. Bananas, white chocolate with cinnamon notes of the nose, and soft pepper.

Lunatic & Lover Botanical Rum Barrel Rested 700ml

Their vision is to distil the finest botanical rum this world has ever tasted. Are they mad to imagine they can? To bring figment to fruition, they passionately craft a base of rich, Pure Single Rum to be re-distilled using a highly unorthodox method of vapour infusion to capture the delightfully unique botanical flavours & aromatics. Thus creating an almost entirely new category of 'Botanical' Rum - a spirit born of imagination and distilled with whole-hearted dedication.

Mount Gay Black Barrel Double Cask Blend 700ml

Small batch, handcrafted blend, made of matured double pot distillates and aged column distillates. Warm medium body with a long finish.

Mount Gay Eclipse Gold Rum 1 Litre

One of New Zealand's most popular golden rums. This hand crafted golden rum is aged in toasted Kentucky oak barrels which impart a subtle smokiness. Aroma is distinctive with floral and fruity notes of apricot and banana.

Mount Gay XO Triple Cask Blend 700ml

Offering a true taste of paradise. Perfect balance of ripe banana and toast, followed by vanilla, pastry and warm spice.

Ron Zacapa Centenario 23 Solera Gran Reserva 700ml

The balance of delicate and unique flavours of Zacapa No. 23 is derived from a blend of aged rums between 6 and 23 years old, originating from the 'Sistema Solera' aging process. Zacapa No. 23 is aged in selected barrels that previously aged robust American whiskey, delicate sherries and fine Pedro Ximénez wines, creating a smooth & balanced rum. Zacapa No. 23 Rum is best served neat, on the rocks or in your favourite dark spirit cocktail.
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